Company News

Baltic Birch Supply Chain from East Europe reestablished

Views : 741
Author : Paul Kao
Update time : 2022-10-26 12:19:02
Baltic Birch Supply Chain restored

2022 is a tough year for most woodworking enterprises in Asia. A record high inflation, a broken global logistic system and a reckless war almost cracked down the whole desiganated economy order. RIO also suffered a big qualify challenge due to some paint issue caused by a domestic Russian painting company that output is very unstable. We have lost a very valuable customer and finally terminated the whole supply from Russia as another major concern.

From Feburary to June, we relocated our dominant resources to East Europe through our old partners in forestry and shipping industries. A new line has been contracted to feed our associated factories in Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand.

The cost from East Europe region is much higher but we have been working so hard to puhs down by distribution to veneer, lumber, dimensions and blanks unedged etc. Through our continuous effort, we can offer the same or even lower pricing than factories as 7 factories sales representative in HK.

RIO is supply chain management company, trading is one of our major business but not limited to it. We take care customer's supply chain, share the savings with customers to a better marketplace.

1% extra spent everyday, 100% paid back every 3 year.